Serving our local community of
Cross Plains and beyond
From backpacks for kids to helping clean up, we serve a number of organizations and events in our communities. Our events are posted frequently on Facebook. Follow our page to get the latest from our outreach programs.
Outreach Programs
Cross Plains Food Pantry
Our church sponsors, supports, and operates the Cross Plains Food Pantry which feeds hundreds of people in our community each month. We are blessed to also receive support for this wonderful ministry from other churches, organizations, and individuals in our community.
Backpacks for Kids
In cooperation with the Cross Plains elementary school, the Backpacks for Kids program provides easy-to-prepare, shelf-stable foods over the weekend for children who might otherwise go hungry. During the summer, the church continues to provide these meals in partnership with Jeremiah 29:11 (a community program that feeds children over the summer).
Seniors PLUS
Seniors PLUS (Praising & Loving oUr Seniors) provides easy-to-prepare, shelf-stable foods over the weekend to seniors in our community who might otherwise go hungry.
Cinderella’s Closet
Cinderella’s Closet provides prom dresses and accessories for young ladies who would be unable to afford them. The ministry is confidential and is done in partnership with the schools in the Cross Plains and surrounding communities.

Lord’s Acre
Lord’s Acre is the church’s largest fund raiser and is always held on the second Saturday in November. Each year, the goal is to give all of the monies raised to benefit community service agencies along with the missions and ministries in our community and around the world, such as:
- Cross Plains Volunteer Fire Department
- Cross Plains Volunteer EMS
- Burkett Volunteer Fire Department
- Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Department
- Cross Plains Senior Center
- Cross Plains Cancer Walk
- Cross Plains Public Library
- Cross Plains Food Pantry
- Aldersgate Enrichment Center in Early, Texas
- Wesleyan Homes (Senior living facilities)
- Helping Hearts/Helping Hands (a community handyman project)
- Jeremiah 29:11 (a community program to feed children during the summer)
- Scholarships for graduating seniors
- United Methodist missionaries